My precious baby boy somehow managed to get the swime flu last week. This past Thursday, the 15th, he woke up with a low grade fever. I fed him and he was ready to go back down for a nap almost immediately. While he slept I was on the phone to the Dr. finding out what was considered a "teething temperature" as he is at that age where it could have just been teeth. When he woke up, 2 hours later, he was BURNING UP! I totally freaked. I do NOT handle fever well. It totally freaks me out. So there I was taking a rectal temp. and calling the Dr. again. Result: 102.5 fever. Poor baby looked miserable. He was so lethargic and just puny looking. I gave him Tylenol and was on the phone yet again to the Dr. office. We got an appointment and headed to Dallas.
Dr. Finkleman sees us at about 2:30p and it had been 3 hours since I gave Jaxon Tylenol for the fever. It hasn't even touched his temperature, at all! He still had 102.5 and was pitiful. They did both a nasal swab and blood work to test for both types of flu. Then we waited. (the longest 20 minutes of my life)When the Dr. came back in and told me what we were facing I thought I was going to pass out. My BABY had the H1N1 flu! Whaaaaat??! He's too young for that! I was shocked and scared to death. Luckily, we caught it in the first 24 hours and we left there with a prescription for Tamiflu. Other orders were to keep the kids apart, for Jaxon to be on quarantine for 5 days and to keep him hydrated. His fever broke but then returned late that night at 103.2! Again, I was terrified. On the phone to the nurse, she told us how to treat the fever and that if it went up to 104, head to Children's. UGH! I did NOT want to see that happen. So, I was up every 3 hours alternating Tylenol and Motrin to keep that fever away. It worked!!
As if telling Blake that she couldn't come near her brother wasn't going to be bad enough - I had to totally remove her from the house in order to keep her healthy. She though she was on vacation though because she got to spend 4 days with my parents, whom she totally adores. I, on the other hand, was REALLY missing my sweet girl. I called her about 8 times a day! Sometimes she was too busy to talk to me but other times she would ask if Bubba was sick? Does he feel better? etc. She's such a great big sister.
Jax and I spent the next 6 days together....and Eric was there to help me or give me a break from time to time. A sick baby boy is no fun! He was uncomfortable, achy, sleep deprived, grumpy and overall just sickly. I spent my down time sterilizing things, cleaning with bleach, doing lots of laundry to keep germs from setting in & trying to stay healthy myself. It was a hard week to say the least.
I was SO ready to have my girl back home and for us to have a normal, healthy family again! Blake came home Sunday afternoon and it was very evident that she missed Jaxon! And he missed her too! They were SO glad to see each other although we still had to try and keep them somewhat apart. Jaxon started to feel better somewhat by Monday but finished his medicine Tuesday and was doing even better by then. He still couldn't sleep well but he was smiling again and playing some, which was good to see. Thank God for the advancement of modern medicine for getting my little guy back to normal! God is good!